On May 17th at 6:30pm join Trail Sisters’ Gina Lucrezi at the The Colorado Running Company in partnership with the Barr Trail Mountain Race to chat about women’s topics in trail running, training, safety, nutrition and also a bit about Gina’s past and Trail Sisters.
The event will begin at 6:30pm with a social – meet and mingle, followed by the official talk/discussion at 7:00pm.
Additionally! Gina will be leading a run from the CRC Outlet @ 513 Manitou Ave, Sat. May 18th (following morning) meeting at 8:30am.
Bring you questions for Friday and then your smile for some miles on Saturday! We hope to see you there!
Come help us celebrate 19 years of running specialty with a Ladies bRUNch on Sunday, a cookout on Wednesday evening, and other special events/items throughout the week, more info to come!
Ladies, join us for bRUNch in The Colorado Running Company & Brooks Running way. A little yoga (bring a mat if you have one), a few miles, great food & beverages, shopping, raffle prizes and plenty of time to connect with other runners.

Next week’s Buds & Brews just might be the best of the season! John will be flipping burgers, @redlegbrewco will be in-house, and @hokaoneone is bringing the party for the run. Come celebrate#globalrunningday with us during our Anniversary week (19 years)! #coloradosprings